The Interview 2014 Por

Kazuo Ishiguro Interview. Interview, October 2. I come in the line of lots of my greatest heroes. T800x600/2014125499ad3af17bb.jpg' alt='The Interview 2014 Por' title='The Interview 2014 Por' />The greatest authors in history have received this PrizeTelephone interview with Kazuo Ishiguro after the announcement of the 2. Nobel Prize in Literature on 5 October 2. The interviewer is Adam Smith, Chief Scientific Officer of Nobel Media. Literature Laureate Kazuo Ishiguro shares his reaction to the award, discusses the uncertainty about values in the Western world, and reveals I do a very good Bob Dylan impersonationListen to the Interview. Transcript of the interview. Kazuo Ishiguro Hi, hello, Mr Smith, how are you Adam Smith Very well. Amigo disculpa por no escribir en ingles, pero hay cosas que no me quedan en claro, es mucho para decir, pero bueno, no es que la odie, ni nada, solo que es dificil. As rookie seasons go, Stoffel Vandoornes has been complicated five retirements, one nonstart. Compaq Laptop Games. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Thank you very much indeed for calling, very kind. Congratulations on the award of the Nobel Prize. KI Yes, thank you. Im sorry you were kept hanging on. Its absolute chaos here Im afraid. YkSScjOY3uc/VIDInd-rrbI/AAAAAAADEjA/pEx7CaTtNOU/s1600/B4CUV3_CcAAKMWa.png' alt='The Interview 2014 Por' title='The Interview 2014 Por' />Theres suddenly. AS I can imagine. So, yes, your day must have changed in a totally unexpected way. How did you hear this news KI Well I was sitting in the kitchen writing an email to a friend and the phone rang. And it started off as not entirely certain. People at my literary agents were watching the live feed come through on the announcement. I dont think they were expecting it, they were just waiting to hear who won the Nobel Prize this year. J River Media Center 14 Serial Keygen Mac. And so I started to receive calls back to back, and each time we were trying to establish if it was a hoax or if it was fake news, or what it was. And then it started to become more and more certain. By the time the BBC called I started to take it seriously. But I havent actually stopped since then. Its a bit like the Marie Celeste here everythings exactly as it was at about 1. And then it was pandemonium. Theres now people queueing up the street to interview me. AS So has it sunk in KI No No, I dont think it will sink in for a long time. I mean, its a ridiculously prestigious honour, in as far as these kinds of things go. I dont think you would have a more prestigious prize than the Nobel Prize. And comments I would make, I mean, one is, a lot of that prestige must come from the fact that the Swedish Academy has successfully, I think, kept above the fray of partisan politics and so on. And I think its remained one of the few things thats respected, whose integrity is respected by many people around the world, and so I think a lot of the sense of honour of receiving the Prize comes from the actual status of the Swedish Academy. And I think thats a great achievement unto itself, over all these years the Swedish Academy has managed to retain that high ground, in all the different walks of life that it honours. And then the other reason its a terrific honour for me is because. I come in a line of lots of my greatest heroes, absolutely great authors. The greatest authors in history have received this Prize, and I have to say, you know, its great to come one year after Bob Dylan who was my hero since the age of 1. Hes probably my biggest hero. AS Thats nice company to be in. KI Yeah. I do a very good Bob Dylan impersonation, but I wont do it for you right now. AS Thats a pity, I would have liked that. Maybe at least when you come to Stockholm in December, please. KI Yes, I could try that. AS You must. Its a funny time in Britain at the moment. Does that place any particular significance for you on receiving the Prize now KI I think it does. I mean, in fact just before I picked up the phone to you I was writing a kind of statement for press release, and I was trying to think what could I say in three lines, and I think the timing is pertinent for me because I feel. Im nearly 6. 3 years old, I cant remember a time when we were so uncertain about our values in the western world. You know, I think we are going through a time of great uncertainty about our values, about our leadership. People dont feel safe. So I do hope that things like the Nobel Prize will in some way contribute to the positive things in the world, to the decent values in the world, and that it would contribute to some sense of continuity and decency. Yeah. AS I suppose what you have been writing about all this time, in a way, is that question of our place in the world, our connection to each other, our connection with the world. That is perhaps the theme you explore the most, do you think KI Yes, I would say so, I mean I think. If I could put it a little bit more narrowly that that, I mean its probably. But that inevitably intersects with a larger world, where politics, or even dystopian universes, can prevail. So I think Ive always been interested in that. We live in small worlds and big worlds at the same time and we cant, you know, forget one or the other. AS Thank you, well, these are things to talk about on a different day I guess. KI Yes. AS For the moment you have to work out how youre going to handle this line of press. Just a last thought how do you feel about the deluge of attention youre about to receive KI Well, I think. I take it very positively. I mean, while its a little unsettling because I had no idea when I woke up this morning that it was going to be anything other than a very ordinary day, I think its a great thing that the press, the media, take the Nobel Prize for Literature seriously. Ill be very alarmed if there was a day when somebody won the Nobel Prize for Literature and nobody was interested. That would suggest that some awful things had happened to the world. AS A day to celebrate literature has to be a good day. KI Yes, and I think literature can be a great thing, it can be sometimes a force for bad as well. You know I think things like the Nobel Prize for Literature exist to try and ensure that it is a force for good. AS Lovely. Well thank you very much indeed, and we very much look forward to welcoming you to Stockholm in December. KI Yeah, really looking forward to it. Well, very nice to talk to you Mr Smith. AS Thank you very much indeed. KI Take care now. Bye. Did you find any typos in this text We would appreciate your assistance in identifying any errors and to let us know. Thank you for taking the time to report the errors by sending us an e mail. To cite this page. MLA style Kazuo Ishiguro Interview. Nobelprize. org. Nobel Media AB 2. Web. 2. 0 Nov 2. 01.