Download Afrikaanse Bybel Program

ESword is a feature rich and user friendly free Bible study app with everything needed to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner AfriForum Mediaverklaring 12 Oktober 2017 AfriForum Maand van Selfstandigheidaksie Grafte van historiese figure skoongemaak Die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum. Ek het baie gedigte van ons Afrikaanse digters op my blog wat ek met die tyd sal oordra hierheen wanneer daar tyd is Jy kan ook n search op my blog doen, want. V_funVoEYObQEnWQ3oVURMRkUUiWZGGjKY-i5B8wpbgbdqeqAtLLunQK4P_-LWLEXvQ' alt='Download Afrikaanse Bybel Program' title='Download Afrikaanse Bybel Program' />Voldoen eietydse Suid Afrika aan die vereistes vir die inwerkingstelling van n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie Voldoen eietydse Suid Afrika aan die vereistes vir die inwerkingstelling van n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie Chris Nelson, onafhanklike navorser. Lit. Net Akademies Jaargang 1. ISSN 1. 99. 5 5. Opsomming. Die suksesvolle en snelle ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat deur talle Oos en Suidoos Asiatiese state sedert die 1. Suid Afrika was een van die state wat besluit het om ook tot daadwerklike optrede oor te gaan ten einde snelle ekonomiese ontwikkeling te bewerkstellig. Gekonfronteer met n ho vlak van ongelykheid, armoede en werkloosheid in die samelewing asook die gevare wat uit hierdie maatskaplike euwels kan voortvloei, het die Suid Afrikaanse regering homself in 2. Dit was egter eers met die aanvaarding van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan NOP 2. Alhoewel politici en akademici oor n bre spektrum die inwerkingstelling van n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie as n moedige en selfs noodsaaklike stap beskou ten einde ekonomiese groei te stimuleer, is daar egter geen eenstemmigheid oor die vraag of eietydse Suid Afrika aan die vereistes vir die inwerkingstelling van sodanige strategie voldoen nie. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om, by wyse van n literatuurstudie, groter duidelikheid oor hierdie vraag te verkry. Die ontledingsraamwerk wat gebruik word, is van vyfledige aard Eerstens word, agtergrondshalwe, die idees en uitgangspunte wat aan die kern van n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie l, belig. Tweedens word die essensile vereistes wat geld vir die inwerkingstelling van sodanige strategie vermeld. Derdens word die huidige regering se verbintenis ter inwerkingstelling van n ontwikkelingstaatstrategie aangedui. Vierdens word die vraag soos wat dit in die titel van hierdie artikel gestel is, beantwoord. Laastens word n samevatting van die bevindings verstrek. Trefwoorde demokrasie langtermynvisie liberalisme nasionale ontwikkelingsplan ontwikkelingstaatstrategie sakesektor sosialisme sosio ekonomiese transformasie. Abstract. Does contemporary South Africa meet the requirements pertaining to the implementation of a developmental state strategy Deeply conscious of the need for rapid economic development in order to eliminate the high levels of inequality, poverty and unemployment as well as the dangers that may emanate from these social evils, the South African government made the momentous decision in 2. The first practical step toward the realisation of this goal was the adoption in 2. National Development Plan 2. NDP 2. 03. 0, also known as Vision 2. National Planning Commission NPC. This plan envisages the radical transformation of the economic and social landscape in South Africa by 2. The following examples may serve as illustration an increase in employment from 1. R5. 0 0. 00 in 2. R1. 20 0. 00 in 2. R4. 19 per person 2. GDP of 5,4 and an annual rise in export volumes by 6. Although the necessity for implementing a developmental state strategy in South Africa is a view shared by politicians and academic scholars alike, no unanimity exists regarding the viability of this particular strategy. The most intensely debated aspect relates to the question whether the essential requirements pertaining to its implementation are prevalent in contemporary South Africa. By means of a literature study, this article attempts to get greater clarity on this vexed question. The analytical framework employed is fivefold in nature First, the basic theoretical assumptions underpinning a developmental state strategy will be highlighted. Of primary importance in this regard is the assumption that the socio economic development of underdeveloped societies can be attained only when the state has extensive powers not only to influence the economic, political and social development of society, but also to determine the direction of development. However, even though a developmental state strategy implies state intervention in the economy, it does not mean authoritarianism, socialism or the absence of economic liberalism. On the contrary, state intervention in order to promote the living standards of even the least developed sections of society should always be conducted within the framework of a democratic political dispensation and a capitalist economic system. Secondly, those requirements generally regarded as essential for the implementation of a developmental state strategy will be identified. Thirdly, a brief overview will be presented regarding the commitment of the current South African government to the implementation of a developmental state strategy. This will serve to simultaneously present the necessary background as well as to indicate the nature and objectives of the specific strategy envisaged by the political leadership for South Africa. Fourthly, the important question posed in this article, namely whether or not contemporary South Africa meets the essential requirements pertaining to the implementation of a developmental state strategy will be addressed. Those essential requirements regarded by most scholars as of crucial importance will serve as analytical tool. These requirements are a long term vision regarding economic development by the political leadership as well as the political will to steadfastly strive toward the attainment of that vision a development oriented and performance driven political leadership a state led industrialisation policy actively supporting the business sector a labour force supporting the singular objective of economic growth an education system providing the knowledge and skills needed for rapid economic growth previous experience with state led development programmes an effective coordinating and monitoring centre a manufacturing oriented business sector an effective and professional state bureaucracy a high savings rate providing investment capital for rapid economic growth a corporatist framework and societal cohesion. The article will be concluded by providing a summary of the findings. On the basis of the literature study conducted it is possible to conclude that while contemporary South Africa does meet some of the essential requirements, other equally essential requirements are not being met. Vcds 11.11 Download China there. The following four requirements are being met The political leadership is committed to a long term vision that aims at the implementation of a developmental state strategy. The leadership also displays the necessary political will in bringing that vision to fruition. Indicative are the adoption of the National Development Plan 2. NDP 2. 03. 0 in 2. Medium Term Strategic Framework MTSF in 2. NDP 2. 03. 0 in three five year cycles and the alignment of the national budget to the first MTSF 2. However, the attainment of this vision is seriously being undermined by the leadership of the ANCs allies in the Tripartite Alliance in their ultimate aim toward creating a socialist system. The government did adopt an industrialisation policy that actively supports the business sector. In 2. 01. 5 the government approved the seventh Industrial Policy Action Plan IPAP containing several incentive schemes for industrialists. Special emphasis is being placed on the empowerment of black industrialists. The government did establish a coordinating and monitoring centre. The Ministry of Planning, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation MPCME in the Presidency is not only specifically charged with the responsibility of implementing the NDP 2. Paarl Post 7 Feb 2. Paarl Post Newspaper.